I respect that confidential information about the users can't be shared in any way, I was in a grid, I don't mention the name, where the owner says to the users who is who, In my case he gave the pass of one of my avatars to someone who was very close to me.
The avatar account and name, is and must be absolutely private.
Some grids are ruled by the owner widout respect for that.
Here in Sac we see respect by the owner, he just tries to make this a builder grid, and share with other grids, but we see people from outside getting the all shop, what for??
OpenSim looks like the old west without law or order, if someone tries to put some order in the items his grid shares, we see all grids trying to destroy him , from outside and inside, but they forgot a simple rule, they can not build, becouse most have no idea how, we see people like Bettyfl and many others spending his time to share and they see the work they did in grids with the creator name changed.
Like this the opensims will always be the black sheep of the metaverse where some parties happen, and little more than that.
Wit some small rules, in time the open can be more than that and become a real alternative to SL mutch more less expensive /land renting), and in some cases free, but for that we need respect, small rules, and humility for us all.
Is true we take from SL but we have work doing it and we sometimes pay the item, but sl does that too, they take most of the ideas from RL, from real shops, they also dot create from zero, they copy from the original.
the problem is not sac, the problem is all the opensim that cant be the caos, must have some rules.