
Skulled Foxes 2

¥0.01 (JPY)
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Published By Nhuuma Duma
  •  Locationhop://grid.sacrarium.su:8888/Shakas%20Dream/130/162/22
  •  StatusCurrently unavailable.
  •  TypeNew


Good and evil foxes

Kitsune became wiser and more powerful with age. The mightiest foxes had nine tails. Black, gold or white kitsune were good characters, treated by the Japanese with reverence, respect and kindness. Field foxes, on the other hand, malicious and mischievous, circling around cemeteries and Buddhist temples, invoked fear. So fox could be positive and caring or vengeful and mean. However, the division is not always that easy as it is hard to tell good foxes from evil ones. Legend has it that good foxes barked by making a kon-kon sound, and evil ones – a kai-kai sound.

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