? Discover Ariane VI in Logicamp - The Outdoor Metaverse ? I'm excited to share with you a new milestone in Logicamp: the assembly and launch of Ariane VI, modeled in our unique metaverse. 🎥 Step into a world where European space innovation meets the virtual realm!

In this video, you’ll witness the assembly of Ariane VI in 3 distinct phases (boosters, main stage, payload) and its thrilling launch. 🚀✨

Ariane represents one of Europe’s last great technological assets, and it’s an honor to pay tribute to this project in Logicamp. 🌌

🎬 Watch the video here and get ready to be transported into space while staying in the metaverse! 🌐💻

👉 Video link: [Insert your video link here]

Don’t forget to share, like, and comment to support this project! 🙌

#arianevi #logicamp #metaverse #outdoormetaverse #innovation #europe #space #virtualadventure #technology #opensimulator #futureisnow