How is your Saturday Morning going so far? Are you lazy like me? LMBO!
Want to say that my Fairy Dreams Grid is really taking off . . . I have 9 regions running and I just added a lm giver to go to the 26 sims that are among those 9 regions. . . . I am adding different things . . . like the carnival area behind it was a big empty space so I put a Tiki Village behind that . . . and a few other areas around the regions look quite bare so I am adding things to those daily . . . but one step at a time I also have 3 other OARs from the one grid that I am on . . . since I have land their they are letting me take those OARs with me to my Fairy Dreams Grid . . . once I set those up, they are a MUST SEE!
Here are the links to my Grid and my FB Group:



I have lots of pics I took in world but have not uploaded them. I'm so busy taking things out of my inventory and putting them where I want . . . things get quite busy these days . . . giggelz . . . I have two freebie malls that are 2 X 2 so they are sectioned off so I have 8 different freebie malls/store areas as well as the one OAR that I *THOUGHT* was supposed to be filled with items but it wasn't so I am filling those stores myself . . . I was going to start that yesterday but than I figured it would be a much better idea for me to put the lm's in a box so that when ya'll come to visit ya'll can just pick up the box of lm's and go around the regions and visit

So today and from hear on in I will be slowly filling my empty mall on the Welcome area which is also a 2 X 2 with 4 different areas as well.

I really hope that ya'll will enjoy yourselves when you come on over. I'm sure you will! I'm going to be putting in a fishing area down the road and start having contests . . . not sure what I will give as the prize yet, but I have my thinking cap on Giggelz


Huggelz All Around!

I make these gif's myself . . . they don't seem to rez very well on my grid for some reason . . . I have to figure out what I am doing wrong here :/ I just made this one the other day. You can read it here, but when you come to my grid . . . it doesn't look very nice
