3 yrs ·Youtube

ok some of you all are going to be upset by this.. but ITs not my goal or job to be your friend... my job involves getting a reaction..to be honest. not my job...but my goals.. The NWO will be ushered in by the current pope... Man will become God, and a new relligion will be promoted and starrted by the Church... They have been in total control since the beggining.. What makes you thik they arent still going to be in control druing the great reset and the centuries that follow after it? They will always be in control but htey will just flip thier ideologies and belifs to continue to control the people .. ffs.. Freedom and Liberty is going to be no more.. 'When Man becomes God.... And you all thought it was bad when God in heaven had rules and regualations on us? You think that supreeses us?!?!?! Well just wait and see how bad it is once Men on earth (that say they are God) are in your everyday llives and spaces ruling you .... Their is a War in the Church and this is why everything is happening right now in these times we call post moderneism. post nationalistic. and post religion .

this is a rough draft video because I want to make it bettter and more informative. I am not religious.. but God Bless Carlo Maria Viganò

Let God be God, and allow those who believe in him or it do so freely... Let the majority be good out of common sense... and Keep the evil and sinister contained and in the small majority... This is my suggestion, and im glad i still have the freedom to share that.. I feel like i wont have that freedom in the near future..