Okay, since I gave a bit of a headache to the amazing User Name about this. Here is the fix, thanks to Matthew Stevenson:
>>AVSitter wear prop rotation fix<<
- Problem: Wear props for furniture leveraging AVsitter in OS won't take the right positions from AVpos.
- Fix:
1. Leverage [AV]osprop + [AV]object from here: https://github.com/typhartez/a....vsitter-plugin-ospro HOWEVER (!):
1.1. Change this line in [AV]osobject: https://gyazo.com/dd48cc7be67299c16bbad3563db4d2ab *(This fixs the rotation, and enables rotation to be read from AVpos for wear objects).*
1.2. Rename [AV]osprop & [AV]osobject to > [AV]prop & [AV]object (this is not about the rotation fix itself, but allows props to show up on DUMP).
Now, as you would usually, go through poses with props insides. Position + rotate them as needed. C+P new positions & rotation values into apropiate PROP1 line in AVpos.
Remember that SAVE+DUMP does not work for PROP1 (wear) props, only for PROP. So if you re-position and/or re-rotation, then save&dump, the wear prop's new values won't be present there.