Shape settings sheet

A Sheet on Google Drive to save and check your different shape settings

I made a sheet on my Google Drive which summarizes all avatar shape settings (female only). When you create or alter a shape, you can copy all settings in this sheet for further reference.

It can be handy if for example you change your mesh head but don't want to change your body shape. Usually heads come with a default shape for this head specificities, but then you loose your personnal body shape. With this sheet, you can use the provided shape for the head, then reapply your body settings.

If you use Google Drive, make a copy of my default sheet on your drive, and then open your copy. Keep the first tab clean (without values); instead duplicate the tab and name it against your shape name and fill in values.

You can also save different shapes you already have, and use the sheets to easily get values for various parts you want. It can be your favorite combinaisons of avatar height, fat, breasts size, love handles, hips and so on.



Typhaine Artez

4 بلاگ پوسٹس

Buttermilk_Cornbread Jazz_Hands 4 سال

A very useful tool! Thanks so much.