For those who missed an interesting post Unfortunately it was deleted opensimworld !!!

Alexsandro Pomposelli Aaaand…. he’s back! With a new grid! And a series of personal attacks against Boam accusing him of stealing intellectual property. The new project is called Virtual Ville, and it comes with all the usual grandiose promises. It will be a “huge project,” Pomposelli told Hypergrid Business. It will be “advertised globally.” It will be a virtual learning campus with students and professors “from the entire Earth” coming together to teach and do research. The grid will be completely open, with Gloebit currency and hypergrid teleports, and free land, he said.


Jona and the Whale 4 minutes ago
I watched it today "virtual villa" and many doubts came to me. You are not here to make money? Then why the many donation boxes? You write you're here to help? the only one who needs help is you! Do you tell the people a nice story in the hope that you will believe, feel sorry for and support you in "your efforts"? No my friend, I would rather take the trousers from "betty's shop", the house from the "Diamond" exhibition and land from Rakis! because I know it is selfless and really comes free!

VirtualVilleGrid? 7 hours ago
Hi all! My name is Alex Ferraris and I am AviWorlds grid creator. I see a lot of hate and nothing about what I have done for the opensim community. A bit of myself. I am a father of 3 wonderful kids. Divorced. I work my ass off and I have tried over and over again and never gave up on my dreams and passion. I love opensim and I try to do the best I can. Ups and downs yes but I never gave up and if some of you think that is bad and horrible well I can only hope one day you guys will see me differently. I have always given free land, free gloebits and even in SL I spent thousands of dollars giving free lindens to everyone.
Anyway I am just another grid CEO who has a passion. Thank you all.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 6 hours ago
you have to say i have 15 kids and 5 ex wifes to be more dramatic then say you need money to pay all that, and next profile picture make in a wheelchair say you never give up and in the end you will safe opensim.

VirtualVilleGrid? 5 hours ago
The marketplace is actually empty and for anyone to be a seller he or she needs to have a class. We also check for the sellers authenticity. And no freebies are sold or allowed to be sold in the marketplace unless it’s for free no charge.

VirtualVilleGrid? 6 hours ago
Love you too Lyudmila. :)

Betty 7 hours ago
and honestly..... do not see where you see hate (we have seen much more ) ...and love these 3 wonderful kids

VirtualVilleGrid? 6 hours ago
lol..My ears were burning so I came here to see all these comments. I don't see the love here. I got this marketplace for opensimulator community. Not making any money on it. Spending money lol... Anyway you guys keep at it. I am just going to continue to enjoy my passion.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 6 hours ago
You sell in that market stuff from your last years residentes? Or you go buy in SL to give in Opensim? lol

Betty 7 hours ago
:)) Ciao you Italian bold beauty :) this discussion involves lots of debate ...but you better read the comments and then you reply one by one !

Betty 8 hours ago
Zoe and Lyudmila , i can understand you both have long time relation and experiences with Oni and you have to caress her .......so i am the only one to take this initiative to wake her up and remind her about her responsibility as a thrill (cause Oni was a thrill) ......kisses ¦

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 8 hours ago
Now i wonder why Maria Korolov keeps promoting this scam grid and sending newbies there can only be because of GLOEBIT i guess... :((

Copper 8 hours ago
she does not...if you read well...ther are the best facts put together like a good journalism. Read about the ex avis person who is only interested in his $$

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 8 hours ago
Maria Korolov was never a Journalist she has no certification, she grabed some old reuters badge they give to truck drivers in Russia with her picture and post that in her site, that is just a badge not a certification.

Betty 7 hours ago
ommmgggg ... Lyudmila show some mercy to Copper ...you f..ck his opinions dry

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 8 hours ago
https://www.mariakorolov.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/19... this is not a valid certification ask any journalist what is that

Copper 8 hours ago
People... DO open your eyes and inform yourself: (are you just sheep?)

VirtualVilleGrid? 7 hours ago
I am AviWorlds creator and founder. But Maria does not have the whole story. I've worked very hard on AviWorlds which by they way is online and getting to the TOP. this is a passion of mine. That's all. Nothing bad nothing wrong.

Betty 7 hours ago
you idiot Copper ..... Korolova published this as well
And of course is nothing true , you idiot ....
If you can prove the opposite, you will may receive a like ....for the moment you are an idiot .... that i can personally prove ... but is useless

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 7 hours ago
True!!! Yes Korolova made that psyco caprica editor and grab fake storys of that Mike Lorrey shorturl.at/agpY8

Betty 7 hours ago
Lyudmi, the moment i joined OS (ok ignore people like Copper) ....... 2017 was the best period we could all do something together ...we tried a lot ...we failed .... but the protest was not for nothing ...kisses ¦

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 8 hours ago
Then they offer land to all newbies and let them build, and before they close they make the oar and iar extortion scam to rip more the newbies :(

VirtualVilleGrid? 7 hours ago
This is fake and false. I am not into this to make any money. Stop with the false accusations.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 7 hours ago
Charity like Suz Blessed?

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 8 hours ago
Btw they also send scammers to LBSA 24/7 to wait for opensim newbies and teleport them asp to their grid, over they years Opensim lost many people because of the savage way they rip newbies :(

Lyudmila Pavlichenko 8 hours ago
This grid is closing in few month's to reopen again like last 10 years, best to all grids is to grid ban this one too, just to avoid storing duplicate trash they make since they rip all full perms stuff they find! All opensim grids have to store the duplicates this grid does! Nothing to buy here since they sell only ripped regions oar's and freebies they find everywhere! Never use your main account also because they still your inventory, go there only with an alt!

VirtualVilleGrid? 5 hours ago
You are now posting false information about my grid and my person online. I have now taken pictures of all your comments and will proceed with legal action against you if you do not stop with the false information against me. It is not cool. We are all here to have fun and specially me who is only spending money so people like you can enjoy. So please bug off.

WhiteAngel Deed

8 ब्लॉग पदों

AlexFerraris 3 साल

The most important thing is that I never placed anything from Sacrarium for sale. That was other Alex from other grids. My grid was always free for everyone. Take that into consideration also before I’m accused here for things I did not do.

AlexFerraris 3 साल

The haters are out trying to destroy and not build.

AlexFerraris 3 साल

If I can defend myself here. It’s past. I have tried many types of business modules and none worked. What I know is that I learned from my mistakes and I sure don’t repeat the ones that ended with negative results.
So; to all the haters out there. I live in the present. Now is what’s important to me.

Logan Hunter 5 साल

Another detail WhiteAngel Deed, tud that we have in Virtual Ville, nothing has been modified, the credits are yours, landmark too and everything is freeso as in Sacrarium. Reinforce the invitation to check.
Logan Hunter.

Logan Hunter 5 साल

WhiteAngel Deed, I regret about the fact occurred in Virtual Ville, including the islands that were found parts of its grid as a copy are no longer in the air, one of them being Sampa Mix. I'm not going to let our players have that kind of attitude. I do and one I've already invited you to check my objects for ve if there's anything illegal, but I don't know if you went. Anyway what I have from Sacrarium and The Harbor are with all the credits to you and Ludmila who came to say bad of Brazilians, I have a mutual friend money in Secrarium that can attest my
idonieity. All I'm asking is that you give us a vote of confidence.
Logan Hunter.

User Name 5 साल

if the guy is here to have fun he should have set up a fun server instead of a economic grid