Sacrarium is Back: New Life after Collapsing

We will talk about what changes and capabilities will be available to our users in the new era. We will tell you what changes have occurred in the policy of our grid.

Chronology of Events: On October 7, 2020 the Sacrarium's database collapsed. The system finally stopped working. More than 2,000 Sacrarium hamsters have died. On alarm a general mobilization was announced. The emergency situation was reported directly to the Kremlin personally to Comrade Putin. An emergency meeting was held, vacations were canceled, and KGB checkpoints were set up on the roads. Pest hamsters were promptly identified and sent to the GULAG with their families. Particularly harmful hamsters were exiled to Siberia and shot. Comrade Putin signed an order for the urgent restoration of the Sacrarium. The best Soviet specialists were sent to restore the Sacrarium server (as a reward for their work, they were all exiled to the GULAG and shot too). To restore the work of the Sacrarium, the Soviet government allocated 40,000 liters of vodka “Novichok” and “Stolichnaya”, 20 railroad cars of balalaikas, 100 tons of matryoshkas, 12 horse divisions of babushkas and 3 000 000 rubles of gold. Recovery works was carried out at an accelerated pace. At the cost of incredible efforts by the Sacrarium people and hamsters, the grid was recreated in two days. Glory to the working people of Sacrarium! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Comrade Putin praised the efforts of the Sacrarium admin and made a solemn speech at the emergency congress of Soviet Hamsters 2020:

“Dear comrades! Today we are pleased to announce to you the restart of the Sacrarium after the total collapse of our databases. As of today, all our services have been restored and we can continue our work. We can say that the first era of the Sacrarium was over and we are moving into the next era”- he said.


We will talk about what changes and capabilities will be available to our users in the new era. We will tell you what changes have occurred in the policy of our grid.

First of all, the style of our official website was changed. The previous site was very old and inconvenient. Today we are using a responsive layout to bring Sacrarium closer to you. The project's address was also changed to a more concise one: http://sacrarium.su. Here you can get all the necessary information about the Sacrarium grid, use the registration and partnership services, read the rules, and get information about the current statistics. This page is also a splash screen for Firestorm viewer when you connect to our grid. Please note that the address of the Sacrarium grid has also changed. Before attempting to connect to the Sacrarium be sure to remove the old Sacrarium from the grid list in your viewer. Please, use the new address to connect to the Sacrarium and travel in the hypergrid: http://grid.sacrarium.su:8888 .

One of the main services for communication with our community will be the social network Soziarium. Soziarium is a modern social network for OpenSim users and their avatars. It allows you to communicate with friends from VR and real life. It does not matter what reality you are in now. Connect both realities in Soziarium. You can find a link to the Soziarium on the Sacrarium homepage. In addition, Soziarium has been integrated into Firestorm and now you can communicate with users from other grids and users who are not currently online in the virtual world. Please, use the Firestorm search function to access the Soziarium in world. Soziarium will allow you to receive the latest news from different grids, information about new content, which is published exclusively for Soziarium. Soziarium was created specifically for mobile devices and you can always be in touch with the community and residents of whole virtual world. Please, use address https://soziarium.su .

All these features you could already evaluate earlier if you took part in our experimental project Sacrarium New Order.

Pay particular attention to the Sacrarium policy change. Sacrarium is focused on working with hypergrid users (visitors). Therefore, registration in the Sacrarium will be limited. First of all, registration in the Sacrarium grid will be available only for the following user groups:

  1. Staff and owners of regions;
  2. Users whose reputation is known to our moderators;
  3. Users by invitation or recommendation.

These changes are related to the desire to improve the work of the Sacrarium. Our research and observation over the past three years has shown that rogue registrations are driving an aggressive increase in the number of fake accounts and inventories. This leads to an overload of the grid database, deterioration of the work of all services. It is likely that database overload was the main reason for the collapse of the old system. We've also noticed a lot of abuse of content uploading. Some users used fake Sacrarium accounts to upload content and then forward it to other grids. This often resulted in system overload. It also became a false flag and resulted in a lot of copybot drama around Sacrarium. Anarchy must be stopped.

If you still want to try to register with the Sacrarium, you should understand that your account will wait for an administrator confirmation indefinite amount of time. If our moderators recognize you and deem it necessary to approve the registration, then you will have access to the Sacrarium as a resident. If your account seems suspicious, then the registration will most likely be rejected. Therefore, we recommend that you use the names that you used earlier so that we can recognize you. But we also recommend that you refuse to register with the Sacrarium if you are not the owner of the region. It is best to visit the Sacrarium via a hypergrid, please, using your account in other grids. In all other cases, please stay tuned to the Sacrarium grid rules for updates.

Welcome to Sacrarium grid!

Best regards,

Sacrarium team




Q: Why can't I connect to the Sacrarium? I keep getting a red screen with an error even though it used to work. I also cannot come to the Sacrarium via the hypergrid. Why is this happening?

A: Please note that the address of the Sacrarium grid has also changed. Before attempting to connect to the Sacrarium be sure to remove the old Sacrarium from the grid list in your viewer. Please, use the new address to connect to the Sacrarium and travel in the hypergrid: http://grid.sacrarium.su:8888 .

Look here, please: sacrarium24.ru:8002 does not exists any more

NEW SACRARIUM GRID ADRESS IS: grid.sacrarium.su:8888


Q: Will my old Sacrarium account work or do I have to register again?

A: No, your old account no longer exists. You can try to register again, but read carefully the registration conditions above.


Q: A lot of my content was stored on my old account. How can I get it back?

A: Your old account no longer exists. All of your inventory content also no longer exists and cannot be restored. Please, read RULE#8 of Sacrarium grid: “We are not responsible for the safety of your region and inventory. But we are doing our best to preserve it”. Sorry, shit happened.


Q: I registered a new Sacrarium account, but nothing happens. I cannot login.

A: If you still want to try to register with the Sacrarium, you should understand that your account will wait for an administrator confirmation indefinite amount of time. But we also recommend that you refuse to register with the Sacrarium if you are not the owner of the region. It is best to visit the Sacrarium via a hypergrid, please, using your account in other grids.


Voice of Sacrarium

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